Tricks For You |
- 5 Reasons why You’re Not Getting organic Traffic
- Google Plus Help Me To Live Without Google Adsense! See How?
- How to Get Affiliate Sales by Blog Commenting
- 9 Best Apps for Your New Mac in 2014
- 30 Things We Like About Windows, and 30 We Don’t Like
5 Reasons why You’re Not Getting organic Traffic Posted: 27 Feb 2014 07:57 AM PST Search Engine Optimization – This makes you feel scary isn't it? Ha..Ha this is a scary one but when you start learning it, then this is your cute friend who brings lots of traffic and money to you. Every newbie's start a blog to make money and finally they come to know about SEO then they try to learn SEO .Finally they implement it and what's the result "zero" traffic from search engines. There are many reasons behind the big reason why you are not getting organic traffic. Here I'll make you remember about the reasons why you are not getting organic traffic (Search traffic). Reasons why You’re Not Getting organic Traffic:#1.Due to Bad Template Optimization:While selecting template for your blog you may've noticed that some of the premium templates are showing like "Highly Responsive" Highly SEO Optimized etc..But before you set one for your blog have you thought of it? Does you blog currently running with an SEO optimized template. May be yes or may be not but to be frank ,choosing the right templates takes more part in getting organic traffic. You can find many such templates for both WordPress and Blogger platforms while choosing the best templates please read a review article of it and take the decision. If you're a WordPress user then try some Thesis or Genesis Framework or that kind of SEO optimized themes. #2. Keyword Research:Keyword research plays a very important role in getting organic traffic. While doing keyword research analyse the competition. It's more difficult to compete a high potential keyword. If you're going for it, then you have to work very hard in terms of link building etc…for getting high ranks. But If you're going for a low competitive keyword ,then concentrate more on keyword management stuffs like density etc..So it's time to grab a keyword and work on it right? Aha! Go on. #3. Link Building:Backlinks also plays a very important role in getting good search ranks. While building links try to make natural backlinks which is more helpful in getting more rankings. While making comments for link building try to make Do follow comments. In most of the cases Do Follow links are helpful. #4. ON Page SEO:Yes, the major part which I used to concentrate more. When it comes to On Page SEO there are many stuffs like Keyword management, Article Optimization, Interlinking etc.Give more care to these stuffs because it's a very good way to get high rankings. Especially before marketing the article make the post SEO friendly.Try some On Page SEO thingy's like Interlinking, Image Alting, Keyword Management, Keyword in Permalink, Title Optimization etc.. #5.Misselanious Works:If you're done perfectly with the above steps then you should get organic traffic. But to get the traffic we should do some indexing works, Meta tags etc…While making the post give it good and catchy title and Meta description to attract both search visits and social media visits. After completing every post submit it to Google Webmasters and also to Bing, Yahoo etc…So that you can get multiple search traffic. Don't play games with your keyword if you do there is a chance for you to get kicked out of Google. Don't create useless and very low Quality backlinks because Google is penalizing those kinds of websites and blogs. So now you know the reasons why you're not getting organic traffic ,so try to make the above things perfect and start enjoying the benefits from search traffic.If you find this article helpful then please leave your feedback and feel free to ask doubts too. Keep Visiting
The post 5 Reasons why You’re Not Getting organic Traffic appeared first on TrickMik. |
Google Plus Help Me To Live Without Google Adsense! See How? Posted: 27 Feb 2014 05:36 AM PST
I'm not using Google Adsense on my blog from a long time and the results are truly awesome. I’m now making more money from my blog without Google Adsense. But how? This is the question which mostly people asked me. I’m practicing Affiliate Marketing from past few months and now it is the biggest source of my online income. Daily I try to implement different strategies for better conversions and sometime the results are unbelievable for a new affiliate marketer. Getting affiliate sales was not that much easy for me in the beginning. Truly speaking, I was in fear to start affiliate marketing because it was totally new to me few months back. (PS: Still I’m a newbie). An idea can change your life, and it did for me. I implement my idea and it blown my mind. In this post, I’m going to reveal the same strategy which I’m using to boost my affiliate sales. So, continue reading Let me tell you first, picking a right product is the first step to success in Affiliate Marketing. If you don't know about Affiliate Marketing then you can go through this affiliate marketing guide..In this post, I’ll show you example of promoting Hosting affiliates same as I’m doing. Increase Hosting Affiliate Sales Using Google PlusIf you are already doing affiliate for any Hosting service like HostGator, Bluehost or any other, then definitely there will be an affiliate banner on your blog. There is no surprise in it and I’m also doing the same. But the problem is, putting affiliate banners in sidebar, above the fold or at any other location in your blog is not that much enough to get sales. You need to be more creative to get targeted sales. If it’s going confusing then let me clear it now. STEPS TO FOLLOW
My Work Reports:1. Check out the result of my few days work in last month. This is my HostGator Commission Report: 2. See what other says about me on facebook: I have shared my working strategy with you guys. Now it’s your turn to make decent money from Affiliate Marketing. Make use of every possible idea and work on it. There is no point in having an idea if you don’t do anything about it. So, Give it a try and see the results. Let me know your thoughts about it in the comment section and share the post if you feel it’s worthy. See you in the comment section. Goodbye! The post Google Plus Help Me To Live Without Google Adsense! See How? appeared first on TrickMik. |
How to Get Affiliate Sales by Blog Commenting Posted: 27 Feb 2014 04:36 AM PST We have tried many ways to make money online, but finally what we get is nothing. This is a fact because no one is ready to give you money for free. We should do some works to make money even in the real life as well as in the Internet, before that I've a question to ask. what all stuffs have you tried to make money online? Adsense, Affiliate Programs etc..? But are you happy with the benefits you get from them? I'm damn sure "No" because they really sucks if you are having low readers and trust. Basically compared to affiliate programs, ads are making more money for us and we all use many ad networks to make money from our blogs. But on the other hand we won't be making some big pennies with affiliate programs, but if you make some sales then you're rich. Yes, I'm talking seriously if you don't believe me then just take a look at Bluehost Affiliate Program they're giving $65 per sale you bring. So if you're making 2 Sales a day then its $130, seems to be wonderful right? But one question remains, will someone buy those stuffs from my blog? My Answer for this question is simple "You'll get sales only if you've Good Readers" yeah this may sound weird but here in this post I'll share some amazing tips to make some wonder sales with your affiliate links Tips to Get Affiliate Sales from Blog Commenting. Yes, you can make some money with your affiliate links (No spamming).I can say this stuff with a proper example. Last week I made a review on a Hosting Company and finally I got around 3+ sales from my Readers. Then suddenly I started promoting it a bit to make a boost to my sales. I was thinking of different Ideas to promote this stuff effectively , but suddenly an Idea strikes in my mind and that's nothing but blog commenting. Since some months I used to comment on some blogs to make some traffic and links but I've never imagined of getting conversions from them. Finally I went around the Internet to make some valuable comments. After two days the number "3" is changed to Number "9" Yes, to be honest I got around 6 sales from blog commenting. So Here Goes the Complete Steps to boost your affiliate sales by Commenting on other Blogs. Get Affiliate Sale By Blog Commenting:#1. Make a Post:Yes, before promoting the links you need a detailed and convincing post to make the reader understand about the product. If you're going for Hosting Affiliate program then try this tip with some offers or coupon which is highly recommended. As I said make a detailed post and don't mess up the post with Ads or affiliate banners. According to the current markets people are more interested in text links and they are not at all interested in affiliate banners ,so only use affiliate links. While making the post do some on page SEO and give it a catchy and attractive title. #2. Blog Commenting:So you're done with the article and it's time to get some sales. So go on and make a list of blog's which accepts "Do follow CommentLuv" and with a Page Rank of Minimum 2 with some good amount of traffic. Please select Word Press blog's for doing these stuffs. Be ready with your gravatar or wordpress account and don't change the links ,let it be your blog's link.Now go to the blog's and read the post, especially read posts related to blogging and hosting you can find some targeted audience which gives you more sales. Before making the comment read the post carefully and asks them a brainy question as comment. The reason behind it is that when you are making a brainy question the chance of getting approval for the comment is high and you get noticed also. Getting noticed means it's a kind of clicking man: P. While typing the comment you can see a link of your recent post only if you are using the gravatar or wordpress account with your blog's link. So from that select the Article and make the comment. After your comment is approved the readers will see the comment. if its attractive and especially as I said if your title of the article is attractive then chance of clicking is high. More clicks = More conversions. #3.Keep Track Of Your Works:You know the best thing you've done? It's link building ,haha man you've builded more links for that post which can indirectly boost your search ranking and you can get big traffic ,also you can make more money with it .So As I said keep track on your comments and keywords and make some decent money online with you affiliate links. I'm just sharing my successful tip with you and I'm sure that it will work if you do the above thingy's properly. So enjoy your affiliate sales with this tip and make money online. If you find this post useful then please leave your valuable comments and feel free to ask your doubts also. Keep Visiting.
The post How to Get Affiliate Sales by Blog Commenting appeared first on TrickMik. |
9 Best Apps for Your New Mac in 2014 Posted: 27 Feb 2014 01:12 AM PST Apps is the requirement of today at every platform which helps you manage your computer or even your life with some cool and brilliant features. For the Mac users there is a huge library of apps to organize your PC or every task of your daily schedule. If you are a Mac user then this article is for you, I am sharing some of the cool apps that I found the best & need to be shared, have a look and read about the amazing apps mentioned below. Surely you will be going to love the apps after trying them. Have fun Best Apps For Your New Mac:1. Airmail:Airmail is the popular and the amazing mail client for the Mac users, which provides you the fastest way to send and receive E-mails. The best part about Airmail is that it allows you to Sync almost every account. 2. Divvy:'Divvy' the name means divide or resize. So, as the name represents it gives a facility to manage or resize the windows with the simple keywords so that you don't need to heading up with the mouse for simpler tasks. 3. Fantastical:It is a wonderful calendar which lets you relax with superb features. Just need to type in like "have meeting on Friday at 1 pm" or "get the bike serviced by Wednesday", it will set a reminder for you. Isn't it cool. 4. Growl:If you are working commercially so it is sure that you don't have time to take care of your computer, then have this app and get notifications about what is going on in other applications. 5. Grabbox:It will be helpful for you in both manner personally or professionally, if want to share anything about your project with your co-worker or any data which you want to access from your any computer then go for it. 6. Steam:The wonderful gaming platform for the Mac users where you will find a huge library of games, install Steam and enjoy playing your favorite games without wasting your money & time. 7. Pocket:Pocket works on the principle of 'Read it later'. It happens many times that we find something interesting on web but don't have time to read, then drop that data, video, article which you want to read later and the best part about this is you will be able to access to the data without any internet connection. 8. Simplenote:If looking for the place to store your notes and texts, then I suggest Simplenote which sync the data in the cloud that allows you to search and access the data anywhere anytime. 9. G-Ear Player:This app is for the fans of Google play music, access your Google play music account directly from the app without heading up with the browsers and flash player. These are 9 best apps for your new Mac and if you want to share any app which you think the best then don't hesitate sharing your thoughts with us through our comment section. The post 9 Best Apps for Your New Mac in 2014 appeared first on TrickMik. |
30 Things We Like About Windows, and 30 We Don’t Like Posted: 27 Feb 2014 12:23 AM PST In today’s opinion piece we’re going to share with you something about which you definitely love to read about i.e. What are the things we love about Windows, and things we hate about Windows. We all know that, Bill Gates presented one of the most popular operating system to the world on November 10, 1983. Sometime it becomes hard to believe that, it was the only and the first operating system with a graphic interface. And in these 30 years, Windows has gone through list of success and failure. It’s very difficult to share about lots of updates, good and bad moments just in one article. So keeping this in mind, we did little surveys and regularly visited forum related to Windows and interacted with lots of Microsoft’s MVP’s to find out what they think is best and worst about Windows So, without further ado, why don’t you check some of them which are listed below: 30 Things We Love About Windows 1. Official Name- Windows! 2. Notepad- Free Source Code Editor 3. Task Manager- System Monitor and Start Up Manager 4. Windows Explorer- Operating System File and Folder Manager 5. Cheesiness like this and this 7. Minesweeper- Single Player Video Game 8. The Start Button (Before Windows 8 Release) 9. Windows 7- Best OS Version 10. Solitaire- Card Game 11. Right click- Context Menu 12. The Add and Remove Programs feature (now Programs and Features) 13. The taskbar 14. The excitement of Windows 95 15. The hidden features, like Dr. Watson, program error debugger tool 16. The immense catalog of apps and programs 17. The Windows sounds. I like all of them 18. Windows XP’s pinball- Game 19. Windows 3.11′s start screen 20. Service packs and Windows 8.1 free updates 21. The Files accessory that ended with Windows 98 22. Paint- Free Image and Photo Editor 23. Canyon.MID- Music Files from Classic Windows Version 24. Windows 2000: as solid as a rock 25. The NTFS file system 26. The admin tools 27. The MOREICONS.DLL icon library 28. System restore, from Windows ME onwards 29. How easy it is to install fonts – just drag them into the folder 30. Aero Snap- Aero Desktop Enhancements 30 Things We Don’t Like About Windows 1. Windows Vista 2. Internet Explorer, up to version 9 3. Limitations on multiple monitors 4. Windows Registry- Database that stores configuration settings 5. Looking for solutions to your internet connectivity problems online 6. Not being able to scroll in inactive Windows 7. It’s very hard to configure a local network! 8. Having no built-in screenshot function 9. Clippy- Office Assistant 10. Safe mode- Starts Windows with a limited set of files and drivers 11. The “fake landscape” wallpapers 12. Comic Sans as an included font 13. Windows 3.11′s Hot Dog Stand theme 14. The Object Packager – For What Purpose, we need that? 15. Windows 98′s Active Desktop, Isn’t it looks Horrible 16. The desktop gadgets- Collection of Free Gadget 17. The decision to completely kill off DOS 18. Window’s huge disk space footprint 19. The Ribbon interface 20. Windows RT 22. How long it takes to start up! 23. DirectX 24. The constant need for Optimization/Cleaning 25. Needing a specific DLL to open an old program 26. How long you have to wait for updates to install! 27. File search feature in Windows Vista 7 28. The tiny Show Desktop button in Windows 7/8.1 29. Windows 8.1′s start button 30. How it doesn’t play nice with other operating systems So these are some of the things we really like and dislike about Windows in these 30 years, now it’s your turn to share with us what you love and hate about Windows. You can use our comment section. Image Credit: Gearburn The post 30 Things We Like About Windows, and 30 We Don’t Like appeared first on TrickMik. |
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